Yes, no baby yet. We now receive random calls or emails asking us if we've had the baby yet. I think we both were grumpy this past week - tired of people asking us or giving us advice. People at church and school and work are telling us all the old wives' tales that will help you go into labor. Here's what I've heard:
1. Drink castor oil. (uh, no thanks, I'm not that desperate.)
2. Eat spicy food. (done that-check.)
3. Eat pizza. (what?! but yes, done that-check.)
4. Go for a bumpy ride. (haven't done a long one, but I've been bumped around in the car riding lately so done that halfway-half check.)
5. Go for a walk. (I tell people, "I've been walking for 3 weeks now.")
We both got good sleep last night so we are in a good mood today. We try to stay busy so we're not just sitting around waiting for baby.
The pictures of me are right before we went to the gym today. I walked my mile and feel pretty good. For several days now, that's my typical outfit - workout pants and one of Josh's shirts. All my maternity clothes are now tight on me.
This past week I've been starving. It's like I'm in my first trimester again. One night this past week, Josh told me the group he was running was ordering pizza to eat. I called him when I thought the group was over to ask if there was any pizza left. (Pizza sounded soooo good.). Of course, he was still in group thinking he needed to answer the phone because it might be baby time. I could hear everybody laughing when he replies, "Uh, yeah there's 2 slices left." I was embarrassed. But not too much - I told him to bring them home for me to eat.