Life with two boys (okay, well three if you count the husband : ) is quite an adventure already. I'm learning how to balance life with a two-year-old and a newborn. Here are some highlights:
Labor and delivery was different with Liam. I was expecting something similar since I was being induced again. Labor was a bit easier, but the delivery was a little more difficult. Liam was turned with his face up instead of down - but after a little prayer to God he was turned quickly and was delivered pretty quick.
Casen's reaction to Liam has been heart-warming to watch. From the time he met Liam in the hospital, he has been excited about "the baby." He loves on him by rubbing his head next to his head - being very gentle. He will be running by the baby but will randomly stop and give Liam a kiss then keep on running to his destination. Case shows no resentment towards Liam as to which I am thankful. He did seem a little mad or put-out with me though. Until we had some time together without the baby at lunch on Tuesday. While we colored and talked, Case would randomly give me a kiss and a hug and then go back to his play. I teared up because I had my boy back I felt like. I think the reality of Baby Liam staying with us permanently is sinking in with Casen. He's been a bit more defiant, but overall, Casen's doing great. He has caught on that the perfect time to do something he's not supposed to do is when I'm nursing Liam. Especially if nobody else is home. The little genius.
Liam is more easy-going than Casen was as a newborn. I am thankful for that. I feel like that is allowing me the energy to be a good mom to Case and Liam. Liam sleeps usually for longer periods of time (2-5 hours) while Case probably woke up every hour. Liam also is fine sitting in his chair or swing and watching everybody for small periods of time. This gives me time to play with Case or do some chore.
We've had a lot of help from family and friends - visits, meals, house-cleaning. What a blessing! Without all of these wonderful people, we would be living in filth without cooked meals. Okay, maybe not that bad, but we would definitely be more tired from having to clean more and would be living on cereal.
Liam knows our voices already. In the hospital, when I was holding him, Josh was talking to me. Liam turned his head and found where his Daddy's voice was coming from. If Liam hears me talk, he will locate me then proceed to usually communicate that he needs to eat. In terms of Casen's voice, I think Liam is familiar with it. Along with all the other noises and loudness that only his two-year-old brother can produce. As a result, Liam is already a pro at blocking out the noise (and physical interaction such as poking or kissing) when sleeping. It seems Liam is learning other voices as well - of his Immie, Bunny, and Mamaw too.
When we had Casen, we were a bit worried about our dogs' reactions to the new bundle of joy. They did fine. Newman was pretty much oblivious, and Padme was protective and interested in the baby. We weren't worried this time around. The dogs are pretty much oblivious. Sometimes when Case is climbing the walls and being loud, Padme shoots me a look as if to say, "If that was my kid, he'd be under control." In terms of Liam, I can imagine Padme saying, "Great, they decided to have another wild hooligan." To all of this I reply, "Don't judge me Padme."
Probably my favorite times so far is while I'm up at night with Liam. Okay, okay, I know that getting up in the middle of the night is not fun. And I do miss sleep. But I know I will miss that time with Liam when he starts sleeping through the night. Liam is awake about 2 hours in the middle of the night - eating, diaper-changing, and cuddling. It's the one time that I can just focus on Liam and talk to him without any distractions. Of course, if he wakes up an hour after I put him back down, then I'm not too happy. I do need some sleep. And that's where having a wonderful husband like Josh comes in handy. Josh has taken over the duty of rocking Liam when he wakes up extra AND when Case wakes up in the night.
Finally, I love that Liam smiles A LOT for a newborn. He seems so happy. I know they say that babies don't really smile at this young of an age. But Liam does - he smiles when he is cuddled or talked to sweet. As proof, here is a picture of Liam with his Immie holding him. She had been sweet-talking to him, and then he turned towards my voice and smiled. Sigh.