Thursday, April 06, 2006

Facebook Craze

So now that I'm well-rested I find I'm using my free time on Facebook. What's with this craze??!! It's so addicting. For those of you who were like me only a few weeks ago, let me educate you on this awesome-but-definitely-will-suck-all-your-free-time website. Facebook is this website where you set up an account about can post messages and photos and personal information..and the best part: you "collect" friends. You search for people on facebook...old friends from high school...people you've lost contact with....and then if they are on facebook, you send them an invitation to be your "friend". If they accept, then they are listed as your friend and you can see their messages and photos. I love it - I found an old friend from junior high and a cousin I rarely see. I'm up to 40 friends, which isn't a lot compared to one of my friends who has almost 800 friends (how can somebody KNOW that many people - that's A LOT of people??!!). So if you're reading this blog and haven't signed up on facebook...sign up today! AND then send me an invite to be your friend. I gotta add to my List.

1 comment:

April said...

Once I get on there, I can't get off!! I'm addicted too!