Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Last Month or So

Before it got cold, we went for a walk/bike ride at the park.


Then the boys had their creation showcase at church...

And got to show friends and family their crafts they made.


Then we got to go to the Lighting of the Commons. The boys and Haddie got to sit on Santa's lap.


Haddie tried baby food for the first time...and really liked it!


Having her is such a different experience than the boys. The boys never liked baby food and just had table food around a year old. Not so for Button! She likes the bottle, but is very interested in food already.

Finally, we got some snow - enough to miss days of school and spend some extra time with our Oregon friends. 
Despite the stress of the end of the semester, it was a blessing to have them visit. It was good to catch up and laugh together. Hopefully, we don't have to wait another 5.5 years before we see them again!

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