Saturday, March 01, 2014

A Record

As usual, the theme is "Time Flying."

Maybe it's because we have three little Pokes now.

Despite the chaos that usually results, all five of us usually take care of the mundane tasks together when we can.

Even if it results with one of the boys accidentally mooning the line of cars at McDonalds.
With time flying and my brain overloaded, I'm not going to remember these days clearly. I decided I needed a record of everyday life for us during this season.
I wish I could bottle up the boys' energy, especially Case.
He's gonna be that man that you read about that
only sleeps four hours a day, wins a Nobel Prize, and solves world hunger.  
Or uses his twenty hours of the day devoted to video games.
And if I could take Haddie's jumping energies in pill form when I need to stay up until 2 AM to work?
Pure Awesomeness.

 We've had some cold weather so with Ice/Really-Cold Days we did some juggling to cover child care. There's something fun about staying home on a week day with your kid.
Well, at least for a bit.

We made snow ice-cream one Ice Day.
Um…wasn't as good as we thought it would be.
Mama must've made it wrong.

Oh, and it was a bit gritty from the dirt.
It's hard to only get snow in your cup when you just have an inch of snow.
Haddie can hold the bottle by herself, but only when she decides it's acceptable.
Lately, it's not acceptable. Sometimes that means I get extra cuddles.
Usually that means she lounges, plays with her hands,
and takes breaks to yell at her brothers while you hold the bottle.

The boys started playing basketball. Liam is a little young so he's not playing anymore, but C is loving it. Josh is getting to coach C while L and Mama get to watch together. Pretty sure it's a win-win for everyone.
 It seems like both Josh and I are in a busy season of our careers. I'm thankful we have jobs that we love. Though I could pass on the dreams about Quantum Mechanics and Group Theory.


I also know we're busy because I never blogged about Casen's birthday and party. 
Poor kid. But now he knows how middle and third children feel. 
We are all about fairness around here.

Finally, time is flying because the boys are in school now. School makes things busier for Josh and me. At school: award ceremonies and actives. At home: projects and homework.


But making band-aid shirts at 8 PM on Sunday is worth it when you see their faces of glee.

Not to be left out: Button did some crafts as well.

Good thing I have my mom around or I probably wouldn't be this brave.
And it was totally worth it too. Button loves her some craft time.

She's starting to "talk" now - babbling lots and  naming Daddy and Bunny.
So there's a record of our lives lately.
Dog-tired sometimes?
But I'll take it. Gladly.

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