Thursday, March 29, 2007

Undergrads All Look Alike

Today I ended up teaching my friend Megan's lab section. We were doing the same lab I had done in the morning with my regular group of students. Well, I step outside of the lab and go down to talk to the instructor in her office then head back to lab. So I walk inside and start looking at the students' set-ups. I start telling this girl what she needs to fix, and she looks at me like, "Who are you to be telling me this?" Then I look up and see another TA in the lab. I think, "Oh, I guess she has a question for me."

And then I realize.

I'm in the wrong lab room. I went to my usual lab room - I was supposed to be next door. I didn't realize because I don't know what Megan's students look like.
I tried to play it off and walked over to the TA like I had a question for her. Then I whisper to her that I got confused in which room I was in because all the undergrads look alike to me.

I needed a good laugh today. Thanks God. Even though it was at myself!


April said...

HA HA HA! That made me laugh so hard I almost cried! I wish I could have seen that SOOOOOO bad!

April said...

Ha ha! That's a good story. :)

**JJ** said...

hahahaha.. you are crazy girl!!! made me laugh!!!

kteachjoy said...

Amanda, I would love to chat with you about camp soon. Drop me an email if you get a chance.
Joy (