Monday, April 16, 2007

Lifegroup Fun and Seungeun's Shower

This past Sunday our girls' lifegroup got together for lunch and had a shower for Seungeun. Josh and Seungeun's husband Yonho (no idea if I spelled that right) grilled the hamburgers for us, and we had a feast! After we ate, the guys took off to an OSU baseball game while us girls played a game and watched Seungeun open up gifts. I had never played the game before. There was a bag with a letter on it; the letters spelled out the baby's name: AIDEN. Then the bag held something for a baby that started with that letter. We had to guess by feeling the bag what was in it. I got one right. "Elephant Rattle." Isn't Seungeun one of the cutest pregnant women you've ever seen?!

1 comment:

April said...

She is really cute! Is she in grad school with you?