Friday, January 17, 2014

Puzzle Party

Liam wanted a puzzle party for his birthday.
And a Hulk Puzzle cake. Thanks Immie and Bunny!

 The kids worked on big floor puzzles. They played a puzzle game to get a superhero mask to wear.

They made their own puzzles and used puzzle stickers. And Liam got a lot of new puzzles along with a puzzle table. 

It was a fun, great day!

Cousin Time

We got to enjoy our nephew and nieces last weekend.

Such a blessing to see the girls together. 

Pretty sure Haddie was held for 36 hours straight.

The kids enjoyed playing together. Exercising together. Watching movies together.

I'm probably a little partial, but they are all so beautiful! All seven of them.         

Old Man Nichols (Again)

C now drinks hot cocoa.
Like an old man. He sits at the table, cups the mug, and sips. 

Then he gets up and run to play.

Then back again to enjoy his cocoa.

I can imagine he and I in 20 years, sitting at the table and talking over coffee.

Half a Year

Can't believe it's been half a year already with Little Miss Button.

She's still usually happy. And when she's not it's because more pesky teeth are trying to break through. H is definitely my hardest teether. The boys' teething was a breeze compared to hers.

Button can do yoga now.

And sit up.

She plays now with her toys and loves her bouncer. And looks like she is just buying her time until she can get mobile and chase after her brothers. Those boys have no idea what's about to change!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Button's New Year's Day

With some help, Button likes to sit up and play.
She concentrates while playing her piano.
 A bad cold is making its run through the family. Everyone has had it except C so far. L Child got it first and made a trip to Urgent Care on Christmas Eve. H is on the mend so she played much more today. Josh and I laid around a lot today on the other hand. Hopefully, we are on the mend soon!

Finishing up 2013


and Trampoline-Karate

Brother Time

Uncle Time
Jordan and Chris brought Haddie a Japanese kimono to wear.
 And more brother time.

Liam's Birthday Lunch of His Choice: McDonalds and Icecream at Braum's

Haddie has about figured out how to get out of her bumbo seat.

Josh and I celebrated 13 years at Cheesecake Factory and White Christmas on the big screen.

We welcomed the New Year with a low-key evening with friends (so low-key, there's no pictures!). It's been a great year!