Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ultra Nerd

This morning I got to teach the lecture portion for a professor that was out of town. It was a good experience since I have never done a course lecture (just lab lectures) before. The prof wanted me to use this giant model of a cyclohexane molecule to demonstrate the chair conformation. I had to take it home last night to make sure I knew how to use it; to be able to explain to the students the things I needed to using this model. So yesterday, I broke it down so it would fit into my backpack. I didn't want people seeing me walking across campus with it. But this morning I didn't know if I would have time to rebuild it once I got to class so I just sucked it up and walked with it totally intact. It was early so I actually only ran into a few people..not too bad. BUT after class, it was primetime on campus for morning classes so the courtyard I had to walk across from the lecture building to my building was full of people. I had to carry my gynormous molecule looking like an ultra nerd. What's worse, I look young so people never think I'm a professor...sometimes people think I'm an undergrad. So I definitely didn't look like a prof carrying a teaching tool. No, I looked like a nerdy student who LOVES her giant cyclohexane molecule. YEEESSSSS!


April said...

HA HA! I heard every inflection in your voice as I read this story! That's awesome! I can totally see you doing that!

April said...

Ha ha... I love it! And I love you!

Amanda said...

thanks! love you guys!