Thursday, March 30, 2006

When Everything is Funny...

Have you ever gone without so much sleep that everything is so hilarious? The last 3 days I've had about 9 hours of sleep total (I had a paper due today and an exam). I'm so tired now that I can't turn my brain off and everything seems comical and every thought that I have I just blurt out aloud. Not a good situation. Yesterday afternoon, I laid down to get a little shut-eye and was basically narrating to Josh what I was doing or thinking..."I'm so tired right now...I'm thinking about chemical reactions...I wonder if there's any granola bars left?"...and so on. Then today, I'm walking in my building's halls laughing to myself about random things I was thinking about. Looking back now, I don't think there was anything really funny about it. I think I just need some sleep. I know I need some sleep when I'm beginning to fit in well with the other crazy chemists in my building. I'm stuck here at school though a little longer due to another exciting seminar I "get" to attend. Maybe I can sleep in there.


Amanda said...

My first thought when I read the claim was..."That's silly." People think that they can use science words and make something legit...glad you aren't taken in by this holistic mumbo jumbo. But let's consider this claim...

So let's say that the light bulb actually does break this salt bond (though this is highly unlikely since it's just heat from a light bulb..actually you can have ions hanging out in water - the chloride and sodium ions hang out by themselves in solution)...okay back on track...let's say that this works...if the bond breaks, I don't think chlorine actually takes the electron from sodium..then sodium wouldn't have any electrons left. BUT let's say that the chloride does take that extra electron, it won't be negatively charged (it is already is negative with it's own electrons, that's why it's attracted to sodium (a positive ion) in the first place), chloride, if it had an extra electron would make it have 8 electrons...and that's very stable. we call elements that have 8 electrons (in their outer shell) inert because they are happy with 8 - they won't react with anything...okay so you might ask then, what if chlorine with just its 7 electrons could clean the air?
man, i don't know how we missed that one.. i mean all this federal money we spend on research about saving the environment...we could have just put giant tanks of salt water (heated for good measure according to these hippies) out all over big cities and clean the air up.
Maybe I could do my research proposal over that one...

Monica B. said...

I can relate. Not that I've had to stay up studying or anything but hopefully soon I'll have that problem. Anyway, I hope that you've gotten some sleep!

Amanda said...

i have! thank goodness!

April said...

I think I have had moments like that. It's fun, but I know how tired you feel afterwards. :) I am looking forward to seeing you soon!