Monday, July 03, 2006

Why I Love the OSU Library

So I'm writing my pre-proposal finally. I convinced my advisor it was a good it's time for my committee to be convinced. I've been in the library A LOT it seems here at school. Searching for articles. Looking for books. Writing up my idea. So here are things why I Heart the OSU library:

1. The coffee shop has the best chai lattes...ever.
2. When I'm having a problem locating or printing an article, any staff librarian is EXCITED to help me. I feel like a celebrity.
3. The staff here know me. Somebody told me the other day, "Do you live here?" Okay, so maybe I'm here A LOT, but at least the librarians notice.
4. If our library doesn't have it, they'll get it for you in no time.
5. There are many good places to work in the library. Quiet places. Places to take a quick nap with no interruptions. (hmm...That'll be my next entry...Why I Heart Naps...)


Monica B. said...

I totally understand. Well, we don't have a coffee shop in our library but it is a wonderful, quiet place and it is where I spent most of the time when I'm not in class. One of the girls I study with goes to OSU so I told her that if she ever wanted to go visit her I would be happy to go with her and see my friends!! Have a good 4th of July!

Monica B. said...

I meant her sister goes to OSU. I left that part out.

Amanda said...

i would LOVE for you to come and visit!! you're welcome anytime!