Well, at this park, there are a ton of prairie dogs. They are everywhere and get pretty close to you since they're so used to people. I love to watch them. They call to each other to with this high pitched bark. Apparently, they multiply too quickly so the City of Lawton has poisoned them before and also has vacuumed them and relocated them. We kept saying as we walked along how funny it would be to witness the vacuuming of prairie dogs. Poor little tykes.
There's a picture of Case peaking out from his stroller. We had him in his carrier in his stroller so he was covered. It was really bright out there as we walked and didn't want him getting burned. Don't worry - he slept most of the walk and got out to play at the museum...the next entry!
My theory about the duck . . .
I think the duck is a 60's flower child and has a bouffant hairdo.
sounds better than my theory...i thought it was a tumor
That is an odd duck! Ha ha!
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