Last month, we had a beautiful Saturday so we three went to the lake. It was so pretty outside, and very windy. As we walked along the path, we could watch the wind surfers above the lake and the kites along the shore. Notice the line down the path. One side was for the pedestrians while the other side was for the cyclists. As we walked along, Casen would walk for awhile on the pedestrian side with us, but then he would cross the line into the cyclists' lane. After we told him no a few times, he kept doing it - I think just because he could. So the next time he crossed the line, he got picked up and had to be carried for awhile. After he stopped crying (he LOVES to walk, especially outside), he got put down and was allowed to walk again. But a little further down the path, he crossed the line again and wouldn't come back when he was told. He was testing the boundaries I think. So we carried him again for awhile then he got another chance. As we continued along, I realized how evident it was that Case was crossing the line - quite literally. And he was just crossing it because he could. That was one of the first times I realized that parenting has begun. Am I going to keep my cool after Case crosses the line for the 10th time? Am I going to be consistent or just give in if I'm tired? Josh and I had talked for a long time about situations like this so I felt like we had a plan in place so that helped. Case stayed safe (out of cyclists' way), learned that there are boundaries - even at the lake, and we still had some great family fun.
Later, we got off the path so Case could run around in the grass. He found some sticks and pinecones - quite a load of treasures!
We had such a blessed day - seeing God's hand in nature. I'm so glad God made pinecones - I still love to watch Case find one and the look of pure glee he gets on his face when he picks one up...and then throws it.
I thank God for giving our Grandson loving and patient parents! You two are doing great, keep doing what you are doing!
Isn't it wonderful seeing Casen's fasination with everything? I love the pictures of him with his little treasures - reminds me of Jordan when he was little, he loved picking up things. I never knew what would turn up in his pockets, hey wait that still happens with your Dad!
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