Friday, June 26, 2009

My Little Sharer

Casen loves to feed the dogs. When he is at his Mamaw and Papa's, their little poodle gets all kinds of treats! Yesterday, Casen was sharing his marshmallows with our dog Padme. He ended up dumping the marshmallows for easy access. Case did get up upset when Newman came over and started eating too. Casen and Newman are like brothers - they usually just annoy and get upset at each other. But Padme is his favorite - he loves her!


Mom aka Kimberly said...

Hadn't thought about Newman and Case acting like brothers - but they do. I'm glad Casen shares with Padma at least. Oh by the way, I like Padma's new pink collar - it looks very pretty on her.

Anonymous said...

like Padma's new pink collar - it looks very pretty on her.

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