Sunday, July 04, 2010

Wild Sunday Worship

No, worship wasn't wild due to any loud or crazy actions by adults. I just have a 2-yr-old re-defining boundaries during worship and a mobile 6-month-old who can't believe we sit for an hour when there's some exploring to do!

Here's the worship schedule:

9:33 AM
Walk through the church doors because they already started. (We got stopped by the train and I'm pretty sure the church clock is set a few minutes ahead of the one in my car - at least that's what I tell myself.)

9:35 AM
Find an empty pew in the back - blessing!
Hear a bit of the scripture reading.
Liam starts climbing on me trying to eat my necklace. Flip him around during the prayer. Whisper "Shh shh" and rock him because he is voicing his disagreement with me turning him around.

9:36 AM
Casen wants his fruit snacks. I tell Josh they are in his pocket. I hunt for the other fruit snack out of the diaper bag because I know Josh will need it ultimately.

9:39 AM
Liam lunges for something; I catch him and pull him up higher on my lap, pulling my dress up as well. Pull my dress down, put the fruit snack on Josh's leg, and grab a song book.
Liam tries to reach for the song book so I decide he can help me hold it. Until he tries to rip the pages.

9:41 AM
Casen takes the orange ball out of Liam's hands. (It IS Casen's ball technically.) I give Liam the little football to chew.

9:42 AM
Casen loses interest in the orange ball so I give it back to Liam. Liam wants his bottle.

9:43 AM
Communion trays start to be passed. Casen asks for some because one day we might actually let him have some. Josh and I barely get the crackers before Liam misses a grab for the tray.

9:45 AM
Communion guy learned his lesson and holds the grape juice tray for us. I have Liam in a head lock. (Okay, not really but that might have been helpful.)

9:46 AM
I dig out coins for Casen's contribution.

9:46:30 AM
Casen flips a coin out of his hand, and Josh with his catlike reflexes catches the coin with the check. I call him, "Spiderman."

9:50 AM
I sigh in relief. All four of us have made it through communion and offering sitting in a pew. Liam works on his bottle some more.

9:51 AM
I glance over to Casen. I tell Josh that I DID comb Casen's hair despite what it looks like at this point. The kid had been burrowing into the pew.

9:52 AM
Liam begins to grunt because his brother is "hugging" (aka squeezing) and kissing (sniffing) him. By this time, I begin to hear giggles behind us. Giggles are like adrenaline to the boys.

9:53 AM
At this point, between trying to absorb some of the sermon and wrestle Liam, I lost track of Casen. Thankfully, Josh was watching him.

9:57 AM
Liam's laughs become louder and smiles wider because of the attention he is getting behind us. We're losing control, I think. Only a little longer.

10:03 AM
Liam is playing again with the orange ball. You might be wondering why I let Liam have a ball to play with in worship. Don't judge. But yes, you're right. Liam drops (throws?) the ball. It goes across the aisle and begins to roll down the aisle.

10:03:30 AM
Nice woman across from us makes a grab for the ball and misses.

10:03:35 AM
Somehow (an angel?) the ball stops underneath a man's foot. Case (who I am aware of now) gasps, "My ball!!"

10:04 AM
I'm still whispering to Case that its okay - we'll get the ball after worship.

10:06 AM
The nice woman from across the aisle is probably afraid Case might freak out. She passes a message up to the guy to get the ball that is stopped under his foot.

10:07 AM
He hands it back to her; she holds onto it for safekeeping. Case approves of the action.

The last part of the sermon is a blur. Keeping Liam entertained and quiet, but we never had to get up. Hooray!

10:25 AM
Case announces that its class time because we've sung the Invitation Song. Liam is playing with a loud toy. I don't really care until I could tell from Josh's face that it IS pretty loud. I put it away (again, why do I have the toy that crinkles and makes noises at worship? No idea.)

10:27 AM
Announcements still being said. I'm just bouncing Liam and making sure he doesn't get TOO loud by now.

10:29 AM
Closing prayer said. The kids can move!

10:31 AM
Josh: Where's Case?
Amanda: (Look around for a second) Oh, he's already up in front on the stage.

Sometimes I begin to wonder why we go to worship. I don't even know if I get much out of it right now. Josh reminded me today that we are training our children up though - they're learning about worship and God and what's important to us.
At the very least, I'm pretty sure anyone behind us is made to smile!


Mom aka Kimberly said...

How funny - I am still laughing outloud.

Mom aka Kimberly said...

Aren't you thankful worship service in only about an hour long? ha ha

Jacqueline said...

Love it! You're doing wonderful, mama! And, congrats on four in a pew for an entire service! I think I'll relish in my last few months of a one-girl wrestling match.

Sharlene said...

Oh Mandie Jayne, I smiled, I chuckled and I must admit I LAUGHED OUT LOUD!

Next I said a prayer of thanksgiving for you. You may not be aware of what you are getting out of worship on some days, but what your boys are getting out of it and learning from you and those around you is so very important and priceless. Hang in there - if I was there I'd pat you on the back and give you a BIG hug.

Charity said...

This was great! Now I feel better about Braden's behavior because it must just be a boy/2-yr-old thing LOL