Saturday, September 25, 2010

Paradigm Shifts

In one of my classes, we were talking about paradigm shifts in Science. You know, for example, how people used to think that the sun and planets revolved around Earth, but then they observed evidence that we live in a heliocentric solar system. Well, I gave my students the assignment to give examples of 3 different types of paradigm shifts: a personal one, a social/cultural one, and a scientific one. Here is the best answer I got because it made me laugh out loud when I was grading them:

A social/cultural one: “The thought that women were only good for cooking and making babies. We now know that this is not true.”

So glad that this kid (I say "kid" because I feel old now in the classroom...these kids have no recollection of the 80's. And their recollection of the 90's is sketchy at best. Sigh.) now knows the truth.

So women, listen up: we've come a long way - we can do more than just cook and make babies!


Joshua Nichols, MS, LMFT said...

You're actually not helping your cause out any seeing that you've had 2 children in the past 3 yrs.

Amanda said...

hey smart aleck
had 2 children in the past 3 years....while I got my phd - that's got to count for something right?