Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Top 10 Reasons

So by now, most of you know that Josh and I are expecting a baby in January. If you didn't know, surprise!!!
I came up with a top 10 list of why I've enjoyed pregnancy so far (or at least enjoyed it for these reasons).
1. It's cute that I have a gut. And it's also cute if it shows.
2. It's amazing to hear the heartbeat and think about something growing inside you.
3. I have motivation now to give up caffiene (I actually went about 4 weeks without any).
4. I don't really like chocolate anymore. Wierd. (That likeness is actually coming back now.)
5. For the most part, I crave healthy foods - fruit, milk, yogurt, etc.
6. I sleep a lot and that's okay. I'm not lazy.
7. Everyone always asks how I'm doing and if I just say, "Fine," they prod for more information.
8. I get mail so much more now - all kinds of beautiful cards and packages.
9. I got to visit my parents in Arizona spur of the moment.
10. Josh listens to my constant complaining and just smiles and sympathizes. I'm so spoiled!


April said...

No chocolate!? You better want brownies by August because we're making them! Am I going to have to eat them on my own!? Love ya!

April said...

I enjoyed the list!I like the spoiled part as well! :)

**JJ** said...

ahh... i like your list.. and i think my fave was the sleeping without being lazy part!! hehehe. that is me too!!! you look so cute.. you are getting a little pooch on ya!! cute cute!!