Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I got tagged by April S.

Here are the rules.

1)Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

(2) People who are tagged need to write a post on their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules.

(3) At the end of your blog, you need to choose people to get tagged and list their names.

1. I usually have to check my two email accounts and facebook daily. My blog and others' blogs on a pretty regular basis too. I hate for mail to pile up in my inbox.

2. I have a pretty messy desk. Everything is strewn about. BUT every week or so I organize (I do like to file things) and try to clear the area. It's messy by the next day again.

3. I hate not having something to do while I ride the bus (usually from overflow parking lot to my building). I usually grade or read the newspaper while I wait for the bus and while I ride it.

4. I am easily distracted by April S. Either she's tagging me for a blog entry or having me carve jack-o-lanterns online, I am easily swayed to take a break from work. That's one of the reasons why I love her!

5. I started calling the baby by name to myself. I'm afraid if I even start calling him by name to Josh, we'll slip up and tell the name.

6. I almost always carry my USB drive with me. It has my whole graduate career backed up on it. I figure if the school or my house burns down, at least I can still graduate!

7. I'm easily irritable when I am tired. People annoy me very easily when I need some sleep.

8. I can go a whole day in my building and probably get away with only talking to someone once. I try to smile at most people when I pass them though - I only get a positive response about half the time. Scientists are loners and major introverts usually I think.

Annie, Mom, and Jessi

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