Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Packing Our Bags

Last night after our class, we started packing my "bag". You know the bag we're supposed to grab when we go to the hospital? I had been putting it off because it seemed like a lot of work, but Josh kept telling me we should prepare it. I think he's worried I'll go early, and we'll be ill-prepared. So as I read the list out loud last night, he would put the item in the bag. Except, most of our items are things we can't put in the bag right now (camera) or don't have yet (e.g. snacks). So we made lists of things to grab (that's with the bag) and things to buy still. Josh said that it kinda defeats the purpose of packing our bag. I guess we at least started. We also packed the baby's bag, and that's pretty much done. We pre-register with the hospital and take a tour next week. After that, I'll be great with Baby Boy Nichols making an early arrival if he's fully-developed and ready to meet Mom and Dad.


April said...

I have been putting that off too. I think I will attempt to do it today. Although, like you said there are things that I will need to use on a daily basis that I can't pack in a bag just yet. I guess that is a good idea to make a list of last minute things to grab when the moment comes. I wonder which one of us will go first?! :) I'm thinking about you guys! Love ya!

**JJ** said...

i put off the packing a bag also!!! only i didn't have a list of things to grab. my dumb butt wasn't in any kind of a hurry when we left home for the hospital and i knew i hadn't packed deodorant and toothbrushes but i just assumed i would be sent home and told to wait it out... at least your prepared!!! and the baby's bag is easy huh!!! i can't wait to meet him!!!