Thursday, January 05, 2012

Airplane/Road Trip: Time in Kentucky with April

Before Christmas, I flew out to Kentucky to see my best friend and help her drive to Oklahoma for Christmas. I always have good intentions to take lots of pictures, especially of some of us together. Of course that never happens. The pictures illustrate.

I start off the day I flew out snapping lots of pictures. Josh, the boys, and I all ate breakfast out the morning of the day I flew out. I took pictures then.

Then I got one of boys at the airport. Santa gave them candy canes. They were a little excited about more sugar.

I even got a pic of my man.

I was that silly woman on the airplane that took random pictures from the air. Where were we? Who knows? I'm not even quite sure which leg of the journey I was on here.

So I flew into Kentucky. Did I take a picture of April and me at the airport? Nope. How about the restaurant? Nope. Not to worry, I did take one of the Movie Palace. It looked like a warehouse with this neon sign above it. Not my usual stadium, reclining seating I prefer. But hey, we had to watch Breaking Dawn together.

This is the one picture I took of one of us. I had to have a snazzy picture of April's cool office.

I might not take pictures of us, but I do take pictures of the food we prepare. (No judging.)

I took lots of pictures of the landscape and our roadie back to Oklahoma. I couldn't believe how green Kentucky was in the middle of December. I would love to visit in late spring!

And that's all the pictures I took. Anytime I did think about taking a picture of us, we didn't look too hot. We had been eating chicken pot pie watching some sappy Christmas TV movie or looking a little (lots) tired on the roadtrip.

Well, I might not have the pictures, but I had a great time! It was so nice to kinda just "check out" from life with a best friend. Staying up late, sleeping in, and eating when we wanted. After a long semester for both of us, I think it's just what we needed!

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