Up to this point, I thought I was carrying a girl. Most of our family and friends thought so too. Josh and my mom and my Gram thought it was a boy (or as Gram told me this afternoon, "I was secretly wishing for a boy!"). This morning I woke up and thought I just might be carrying a boy. I'm carrying kinda high (like my mom did with my brother) and after my cousin and sis-in-law are carrying girls, I wondered if God would bless our families with a baby boy. Well He has!! It was neat to see the baby and be able to actually make out some body parts. He's right on schedule with his growth and his heart rate is right in the middle (120). We saw his spine and bones and his kidneys and his brain and his heart beating. He was moving his arms and legs around some. Everytime the woman tried to get a good shot of his face he would tuck it down so our picture isn't great. Apparently, he's either shy or stubborn already. I'm pretty sure I started feeling him move about 2 weeks ago, but I wasn't sure. Most women told me when the baby moves it feels like a butterfly. I thought it feels like he's poking me or like a bubble bursting. I ran into my friend Seungeun yesterday (she just had her baby this summer) and she described the baby moving like I did. So I'm pretty sure that's what I'm feeling now. If that's so, I've felt him move everyday for awhile now. We are excited - it's so much fun to know what we're having! We're keeping the name a surprise until the birth. So no begging or offering to make a bargain like my neice Tana did this week:
Tana: What are your names for the baby?
Me: Oh, we're keeping that a surprise until the baby comes.
Tana: Oh, you have to tell me! I have secrets. I'll tell you one of mine if you tell me your names.
Me: No, you'll just have to wait.
Tana: Let me talk to Big Josh one more time.
She then proceeds to make him her secret-sharing offer. It's going to be tough withstanding her pressure!