Saturday, September 08, 2007

Traveling with Dogs

After a week of spending time together in Stillwater (house projects, working on baby announcements, shopping, and fun), we drove up to Kansas to see family. Traveling with family is always interesting. Especially when you have dogs in the van with you. Not only can they be wild, but after 7 hours in the car, you can get a little silly yourself. We weren't even out of Stillwater yet and it was a drama. I think my favorite though was when Mom was passing Dad a can of nuts. Mom took the lid off and put it on the bottom of the can. Dad while driving thinks that she handed him the can upside-down so he takes the nuts and turns it over spilling the nuts everywhere.


Mom aka Kimberly said...

I think some of the pictures need a little explanation. We just look silly - but then again I don't know if explaining the pictures would make it look less silly!


pictures 1 & 7 - Amanda and I are modeling how the "extras" in the back of the car can be used

pictures 2-6 - the dogs are showing all the comfortable places to ride in the car

Amanda said...

and now i think the pictures with the explanation look even sillier!

**JJ** said...

i would love to have seen the peanut expedition!! hahaha.. that is too funny.. made me laugh!!! i wish i could have been there for that part!!!

Amanda said...

haha oh jayjay we could arrange for you to go on a family vacation with my family - well worth the laughs! haha

April said...

Looks like a lot of fun!