Here are some pictures of Casen and me. Some are from my first day of class at OC. That is taken in my office with the great windows! The other ones were taken in our front yard because Case and I ended up matching that day! I'm wearing the stylish outfit that April gave me for getting my doctorate. It's great having a friend that works at Ann Taylor Loft!
That suit looks so cute on you!! Yay!! And Case is cute too...:o) Glad you are loving OC the second time around!
Very cute! I worked at The Loft there in Edmond for a while, and the clothes were the biggest perk ever!
What a cute outfit!! Casen is getting so big ... I can hardly believe how much he's grown since we left. And, your office looks cool. Very Dr. Nichols-ish.
After reading Kellie's comment I had to go back and look at the posting again, I hadn't even noticed your office in there - was busy looking at how beautiful you are and how very precious Casen is! What a sweet face baby boy we have!!!
I love rhe cloths. How sweet to know a friend to give ad help with your picks. I love the ouande one and kacai one. Looks good. He is growig so fastl. I can'tr aait to hold himand g0vem and give him hufgs. He is arowing so fast. You lood so happy Amanda. I am so happy foir you. will ebe glad whenyou can mmove closer to your school.. I worry you will get tooo tired.
I would like to see Casen in the dog suit. I know it is cute. make lots of pictures.
I am feeling destressed right now. No reasons just me. I am dragging around not doing much.
I am helping Kim decorate our tabe for Ladies Day. It iwell be pretty. I made napknos wutg leaves on them. Turned out pretty. She ha a greem tab;ec;ptj amd dofferemt shades of yellow, oarange and green leaves and red. The napkins are all colored leaves.. We willl devorate mororrow night. Thje ladies day is Sat, I am looking forward to it. I did not go last year.
My alllergies are terrible and my eyes are running and itching. Oh well maybe it will leave soon.
I am so proud of you keeping up with all the things you have to do. I am so happy hat Case has a great place to stay. They sound good to him.
I love all of you and pray that everythiing works out as you hae planed. Gram and Bubba
You both look great. It's so weird how time flies because Casen will be a year in a few months.
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