Monday, May 25, 2009

Email to the Professor...Real or Fake? Part III

I have a D in your class, and I worked my butt off to get a C in there. Having medical reasons made me really behind because I had to miss class so much. Is there anything I can do to still get a C?

My Response:
All the work you missed due to medical reasons were dropped and not counted against you (I dropped the lowest labs and quizzes for every student). If you look at your grades, you failed two exams and got D's on the other two. That is why you have a D in the class. I do not offer any more extra credit work at the end of the semester - it isn't fair to everyone else in class.

What I Wanted to Respond With:
Hey yourself.
Telling me you "worked your butt off" doesn't help your case when I see that you never got a C or higher on an exam.

1 comment:

Mom aka Kimberly said...

That could explain things. Guess he/she thought it was worth a try. . .