Monday, August 03, 2009

A Kid's Imagination and Space

So as to not let you think my Casen is no fun (see prior post), I had to share these fun facts about him.

It seems that he has started the stage where he is beginning to want more space. He's always wanted his own space - never liked to be overwhelmed and crowded. Even now, if you are in the backseat next to him and put your arm on his carseat, he moves it. He has a large personal bubble. Now his own space is expanding which kids usually do around this age. He goes into his room now, shuts the door, and plays by himself for short periods of time. It's not enough to go in there by himself. He doesn't want anybody joining him. At least for a minute or so. Then he opens the door and comes out and tells us something (usually I think it's what he was doing).

Case's imagination has begun to work. I LOVE IT! He pretends to eat food and then will give me some to eat. His large blocks usually serve as pretend food.

Of course, the first time he pretended like this I thought he was a genius. "He's already pretending?! Wow!"


Unknown said...

Lily pretends too! I thought she was a super genius as well since all the books say that they don't pretend until later. What do the books know!? :) Lily pretends that her peas are little cars and she makes 'vroom' noises as they go around her tray. And she has a kitchen where she makes pretend meals and feeds them to us. We must just have above-average kids :)

Charity said...

OMG this cracks me up! And Braden HATES ppl in his personal space too...since he was a newborn he has not liked being cuddled too tightly and if he hugs you and you try to hug back he immediately pulls away....Does this make him "special"? lol It has always made me a little sad though because I'm so touchy-feely...ugh, oh well!

Anonymous said...

We must just have above-average kids..

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kellie said...

Hilarious! I love kids at this stage, it's like their miniature adults, instead of little babies. Can't wait till we can see him again!!