Thursday, December 03, 2009

Yes, I Was Told This...

So I was told another comment that needed to be recorded on my blog....

Last night at church:
"When are you due again?"

"December 27"

"Looks like you were due 5 minutes ago."

Yes, that's right. I told him that he just made my blog.


Unknown said...

I got tired of hearing that. And I heard it a lot. AND I gave birth 5 weeks early so I heard it when I was like 7 and 8 months pregnant. Makes you feel Grrreat, huh? :)

kellie said...

what's wrong with people? i was just telling my other friend here who is due in March that she better get used to some wild comments, especially at church, because you got some craaaazzzzy "advice" with Casen. I see it's starting (or continuing) again! Sheesh.

Mom aka Kimberly said...

People! I hope this reminds me to keep my mouth shut and stifle any "seems like a good idea until it leaves your mouth comments!"

Amanda said...

kellie - i forgot all that crazy advice i got when i was pg with casen - how to go into labor.
i must've blocked it out