Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Animal Justice

Yesterday at Case's babysitter's I had a conversation with a 7-year-old.

Me: You guys having a pillow/blanket fight?
Girl: Yep, I'm on the pillow team and he's on the blanket team. Our names are based on what we're using.
Me: I see.
Girl: We're also fighting for animal justice.
Me: Oh.
Me thinking: What? What is she talking about?
Girl: Yeah, I'm fighting for hamster justice.
Me thinking: Hamsters???
Me: Oh really. What's he fighting for?
Girl: Wolf justice.
Me: Oh, I see.
Girl: Yeah, I'm fighting for both domesticated and wild hamsters....
Me thinking: Did that 7-year-old just use the word 'domesticated'?
Girl: ...Yeah, the golden hamster lives in the wild.
Me: Where did you learn that?
Girl: From a book.  We read about it last year in school.

So not only did I see firsthand how important reading is, I also know now that the golden hamster lives in the wild!
(I actually just googled golden hamster, and she was right!  They are endangered in the wild, but are also common as pets.)
So Go Animal Justice! 


Mom aka Kimberly said...

Gotta love the children! Where do they come up with this stuff? Love that she is reading and learning and . . . using the knowledge!

April said...

HA HA! I love kids so much! Before you know it Case will be telling you those stories...except his will probably be about science since those are the kinds of books you will probably give him...he he!

Amanda said...

yeah either science or some relationship term like "differentiated" - one of josh's favorites
: )

kellie said...

I can see the blog post now "Case's First Words" message: "So, today Case was watching Sesame Street and asked 'Mom, do you think Burt and Ernie have a differentiated relationship?'"

(Josh, sorry for the misuse of one of your favorite MFT words)

Amanda said...

we can only hope...

April said...

Ha ha, that is great!

Brendakaye said...
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Brendakaye said...
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Brendakaye said...

I think Casen will be very stimulated at the babysitter. wow these kids are smart today!!!
Love reading all yur storys

Brendakaye said...

I guess I hit the button to many times sorry

KAS said...

It's amazing how kids can still sometimes out smart us.