Thursday, August 21, 2008

Professor Joys

Just an update on my new job...
Classes don't start for another week or so, but I'm busy preparing for classes. My goal is to be at least one month ahead of where I'm teaching. So far so good.
My office is still not ready so I've been working wherever I can. I was working in a classroom, but this week brought the freshmen engineers to the building for their week-long orientation. It wasn't too bad sharing a classroom with a group of them...until I was surrounded by catapulting balls. They were doing some sort of experiment measuring how far balls could be catapulted. When the first group came to where I was working, I asked them if I needed to leave. They said no. Another group came, and I still felt relatively safe. Then more groups came. Before I knew it, I was surrounded by flying balls. But I didn't want to relocate. I only had a little bit longer to work anyway, and I was already committed. I kept moving over though when a ball sailed too close to my head. I am SO glad I didn't get hit - I would've been really embarrassed. This week, the conference room has been freed up so I've been working in there most of the time. Much quieter and safer.
I've gotten mail here for the first couple of times this week. It's cool to see "Dr. Amanda Nichols" on some package or letter.
I came across this list of excuses some chemistry professor put up on his website. Check it out - it's outrageous!

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