Sunday, August 24, 2008

Case and Daddy's Yelling Game

So many nights, Casen and Josh play a game. They sit facing each other and they mimic one another. Case will yell and then Josh will yell the same way. It goes back and forth until it's hard to tell who is mimicing who. I think Case loves to yell as loud as he can and have an audience. He sure does love his Daddy!


April said...

I can't see the video!!

Amber said...

I love the screaming war! My dad could hear the video from the other room and asked if I was watching something about Halloween! I think Josh was having more fun than Casen!

Mom aka Kimberly said...

Have Josh teach Casen to a add a G to those yells then Casen can say, "ARG!" He could be a pirate for Halloween!

Do you remember rolling up the windows and us screaming in the car when you guys were little? I bet Casen will play that game with me someday!
It is so good to see Josh and Casen with each other -just enjoying spending time together!

Whitneys said...

Jerry and I had fun watching this one...Casen is such a cutie, please call us to babysit again soon! Love you guys

April said...

Aww...maybe soon both your boys will start using their words...especially that big one, he's WAY behind! he he! Love you guys!