Friday, December 04, 2009

5 Kids?ll

Josh and I watched the 5 cousins this past weekend during the morning. I used to want 5 kids (when I was younger, I said 10). Since we've had Case, we are thinking 3. We'll see if we still stay 3 after the next one is born. It was fun but a bit crazy with 5 kids - and we had 2 older ones that helped out!

Later, JJ fed us all and watched the 5 kids while Josh and I went to the movies. JJ is an expert - she babysits for a living!

1 comment:

Mom aka Kimberly said...

I think most of us claim some outlandish number of children in our future when we are young. I think at one time I wanted 12. God knew better and blessed us with 2 children! That being said, I can see you and Josh with many little ones - of course that may be the grandma in me talking!!!